big thanks…

I thought it would be appropriate the start off by thanking a few people~no, I don’t think I just won an award!  But, since it’s mainly going to be my close friends and family that read this at first,  I thought I would take the opportunity to say my thanks.  🙂

First off, thanks Mom and Dad for your never ending support and wealth of knowledge on all things photography!

Dad-NOT blocking my shot-giving focal length lesson... (picture by Mom)


Second, thanks Huz for your support in

a) not dropping dead of a heart attack when I quit my job in finance after 13 years to try my hand at this,

b) being ooooh so patient when I constantly have my camera in your face/stop on all our trips to take that shot, and

c) being ok in the short term with being a “photography widow”!  Sorry Huz!

Note-TWO silhouettes! Like mother, like daughter...


Lastly, big thanks to Nancy and Oliver, who were my 1st guinea pigs when I initially got the bug to shoot portraits.  Ollie couldn’t have been a better first subject, as it is hard to take a bad picture of this cutie!

well, that is enough for now.  More later as I get all this down…

Hi there



5 Random Facts...

1) I laugh a LOT and... it's loud!  My daughter said "I laugh like a kid.  I'll take it!

2)  I love to DIY, and stupidly say "I can do that!" more than I should... :)

3)  My degree is in fashion design.  I love how you can express yourself with clothes and LOVE to thrift!  

4)  My favorite sound is my daughter's laughter.  Thankfully she laughs a lot too!

5)  I'm an overuser of the "!"  I just can't help myself!! :)