I cannot believe I’ve never been to Kubota Gardens! It’s SO gorgeous, and we had so much fun exploring the grounds!
Side note…when I got home, I checked my phone, and it said we had walked 1.6 miles! Amy is a TROOPER that she did that all in heels with a smile on her face!!
I agree Brody…big thumbs up!!I almost feel sorry for the boys that want to date Hayden…
They better be NICE!! haha.And these two….SO CUTE TOGETHER!!
Mother of boys…LOVE the progression of these next images 🙂
Seriously? SO CUTE!
Seriously? Could this place be any cooler?! And this dreamy light…
Looooove these last two taken right at the end.
Perfect ending!
Thank you all so much for not only introducing me to one of my new favorite locations but for also being so much fun along the way!!