I met Tiffany Brown of Seal it With Love back in June at the Landing Launch Party. She had a booth for all of her amazing custom invitations. You should definitely check out her site! Later in the day, her husband brought their adorable little boy by for a visit. You know what came next…me stalking Kiernan all over the event taking his picture 🙂 Tiffany asked if I would take some pictures of her other son Percy with Kiernan later in the summer. Well, her mom and niece were here for a visit this week, so it seemed like the perfect time to capture everyone!
Let me tell you….it was VERY hard picking out my favorites from this shoot. So, beware~long post alert! 😉
Kiernan was still napping when I got to their house. Percy and Kelsie were a tad nervous to get their pictures taken at first, so Tiffany was kind enough to come out in the garden and take a few to show that it wasn’t so bad being in front of the camera.
Love this picture…soooo pretty!
And, now you will see where Tiffany gets her looks! From her beautiful mother, Margaret…
With a little guilt ridden prodding, we got Percy in front of the camera. He’s going to be a senior next year, and I for see lots of girls calling the Brown household 🙂
Percy’s cousin Kelsie was up next. She had the cutest smile! It was very infectious. Pretty sure I told a really funny joke before this 1st one. Or…it was a nervous giggle…. Whatever! 🙂
We decided it was then a good time to wake up Kiernan. Why is it that babies look SO cute right when you get them up? After that, it was pretty much a picture free for all!
Yeah, he’s doing a little dance. 🙂
I love the look on Kiernan’s face. Heeeeeey, did you forget about me???
It went a little something like this “Give your Mom a hug.”, “Noooo…”, “Just give her a bear hug!” Awe… 🙂
I will end with this set, because….he’s just too cool for school.
Thanks so much to Tiffany, Kelsie, Percy, Margaret, and Kiernan. I had such a blast hanging out with you!
[…] of that!! To top it all off, she has an amazing business with her friend Heather, and an adorable family […]