How lucky am I that I got to go back and see little Maddox again? Plus, this time, I was even luckier that his big brother and sister were there too! Ali and Pax are soooooo cute with him 🙂
They’re pretty cute with each other too 🙂Awe…love it!
Love the smile on the right! Sooo happy to be in mommy’s arms.
LOVE this one!
Playing a little song for Maddox…
I could just eat him up with a spoon!!!! I was so happy to hear that someone else says that too! 🙂
I’ll end with this one, because…it’s the perfect ending.
Thank you again Megan, Patrick, Ali, Pax, and Maddox!!! I had so much fun, yet again, and I can’t wait to see you grow up 🙂
Seriously, what are these hot moms drinking and/or eating?!?!? Gorgeous! All of them!