Minds out of the gutter! I’m talking cameras… I got a new one yesterday (which IS bigger and better), and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning! Flashbacks to when I was 5 or 6 and I saw the new Baby Alive doll under the tree. Did anyone else have the good fortune of having one of those? It ATE and DRANK and then went to the bathroom! Back in the late 70’s early 80’s, that was REVOLUTIONARY! Ha…times sure have changed. Was I the only one that fed hers too much? Too bad they didn’t make dolly Metamucil…
Anyway…back to the point. I’ve been reading the manual for my new camera off and on since last night, and my eyes and mind are starting to glaze over. Let me tell you, I am usually NOT the one that reads the manual. I leave that up to my husband. I’m the one that just rips everything out of the box and plays around with it, leaving the manual to be lost in some cupboard or box. Not this one… It’s smarter than I am! Grrr.
So, for a brain release…I decided to take a trip down memory lane and look back at pictures I took on one of my trips with my good ol’ “smaller” point and shoot. This is shot was taken a few years ago with my Canon Powershot 8.0 mega pixels. I loved these pics from my trip, but now I realize that they aren’t as sharp as I thought they were… although, they still look ok in this size. Similar to when I finally got glasses~At first “Nobody can read that!” then… “Aaaah, I guess I should have been able to read that sign after all!”
By the way, this was taken out of a car window! Not too shabby for my little point and shoot. Still love the bright vibrant colors of the woman’s outfit!
And, of course I couldn’t take it. 1/5 of the way through the manual, I had to take it outside! Plus, the sun broke through the clouds, so I had no choice. Thought the first one was fitting… 🙂
And back home…
Eye goober anyone??
And, now….back to the manual… 🙁
These are really nice. I love the benches, the composition and focus point are classic. You got the autofocus down. I would be tempted to clone out the purple background flower in the right side of the frame in the bee shot as it competes for my attention.
My first comment! Well, I got a spam one, that was in reference to the “title”, and I obviously deleted that one! 🙂 Not sure which flower you are talking about…?