My whole family came up to stay with us for Thanksgiving, so we decided to go down to Herring’s House Park and do a big family shoot!
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say I have 187 pictures of Houston just like the one below… Pretty sure my dad is telling me to just get used to it. 🙂
My adorable nephews Bailey and Seth.
My brother and Michelle claimed they had enough couples shots in Hawaii (what??), so it was just family time.
Pretty cute family time!!
Mom and Dad…
Awe… 🙂
Michelle asked them about their girlfriends. Always good for a giggle!
Love this one!But it was close in the running with this one!
What’s a family picture without jazz hands?! 🙂
Mom snapped the one on the left.
We broke out the tripod, the shutter release, and…voila!
Love these next ones of Michelle with the boys. So sweet…
Mom snapped the one on the left, 2 seconds before I turned around and took the one on the right 🙂
He is so stinking cute! Those eyes are amazing!!
Bailey had quite the GQ pose down. Needed no guidance whatsoever! Loved it!
Ha~it’s like where’s Waldo! Find the shutter release…. 😉
Houston and I always fail to get pictures of ourselves at events/gatherings. My mom got this one of Houston and me. LOVE IT!
And then my dad’s turn. THANK YOU!!
I love that Bailey was totally up for whatever….even when spiderwebs were found!
Just down the way, there is this really cool eighty foot wooden hull of a halibut schooner, by Donald Fels. It started raining, so we just ran down there really quick to snap a few. It was such a fun Thanksgiving having everyone come up and stay with us. The only bummer, was that we didn’t have the boys… Guess we just have something to look forward to next year! 🙂
I need the following:
Picture of you & Houston. Picture of Tom & Peggy! Gorgeous!