It all started with a dinner out with the four of us~Lori, Mark, Houston, and me. Lori and I decided that a photo shoot would be a great idea, and I’m not even sure Mark knew what he was signing up for 🙂 However, after dinner, a few drinks, and a show, he agreed!
Love these two…
No matter their age, all boys love to climb trees 🙂
Lori’s son Aidan couldn’t make it, but she brought her 4 legged child, Blanca!
LOVE these next two!
Although, this one is one of my favorites. So pretty and happy 🙂
Awe 🙂
Love Malachi in the background exploring the path!
So, I never did hear that joke!!
I’ll end with this one… So fun!
Lori, Mark, Giacomo, Malachi, & Blanca~thank you so much for braving the cold (didn’t look cold, but it was!) and making this such a fun night!
Hope to see you all again soon 🙂