I usually marvel at the fact that I shot Max’s ONE year shoot like…yesterday (really, six years ago!), but now…I’m marveling that one of the things we wanted to get was pics for Ethan’s High School applications!
HOW is that possible??
But…you all just keep getting cuter and cuter!
Again…how is that possible?? haha.
It started raining pretty hard…but these guys just went with it-LOVE IT!!
And seriously, Ivy and Hugh!???
Could you be any cuter?!
Loooove these!
Gah! This TREE!
And Max!!
🙂LOVE the last two!!!
Those need to get framed somewhere!
Hugh did the most amazing rock skip I’ve ever seen!
Nobody but me saw it, and sadly I just happened to look back just in time and didn’t catch it with my camera!!
But trust me…amazing!
Thank you all SO much for being up for time/day/location changes and rain, yet always having a smile on your faces and joy in your attitudes!
It’s always a pleasure!