FINALLY. I can take Maya outside for pictures!!! She can sit up on her own, we finally have some nice weather, and I have a “reason” to take a bunch of pictures! Let’s be honest, I always take pictures, but I feel less ridiculous when I actually have a reason. NINE MONTHS!!! She’s officially been out of my belly as long as she was in!! Wow…
*STANDING!!!! {holding on to something, and only if I make her, but still!!!}
*Clapping! Loooooves to clap!
*Kind of waving. She was so proud of clapping, that it took a while to add something else in 🙂
*Kiiiiinda crawling. Really only skootching backwards and only a few feet with no real destination in mind…
*Loves to cluck her tongue. So stinking cute.
*Just recently smooching her face up like a kiss, but instead it’s really like she’s sniffing her upper lip ha ha. I’ll take it!
She was officially 9 months on 4th of July. She went to her first parade {loved it!} and heard her first fireworks courtesy of her big brothers {hated it!}
I took these before the actual loud fireworks went off…
This cracks me up. She’s not even a thumb sucker. Must have been soothing herself from the loud noises. Either way, we went inside shortly thereafter…
The next day I took her out for her official 9 month shoot.
She wasn’t too happy about sitting in the grass, so the flower was a nice distraction 🙂
I knew there was a very short window that I could photograph her on this bridge, so I jumped on it!
The shoulder shrug is a new thing too! Ha ha. Such a flirt…
Um…are we done yet?
Then back inside for her official “9 month” shot. Again with the shoulder! LOVE IT!!!
Maya is really lively and beautiful and the photos are so marvelous, really stunning. I love the compositions and the way the photos are displayed.