I’ve been so busy the last few months, that I’ve fallen behind on the Maya posts. Bad mom! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep up the monthly journaling, but it’s been so fun to look back on. I’ll try and do it as long as I can… 🙂 Here’s the catch up for October and November.
- Love to shake your head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth really fast.
- Stacked 3 blocks on top of each other, and then 4 the next day (53 weeks)
- Pick up the phone and say “HI!” and sometimes “Who’s this?”
- Got two more lower teeth and in the next few days two more top teeth-no teething! (55 weeks)
- Crawled up 3 stairs…uh oh.
- Pulled yourself up to standing, next day crusing! (57 weeks)
- Walked down the hall just holding onto one of my hands (58 weeks)
- Say “Happy!” (you have a toy that says “happy birthday”)
- Stood on your own! (58 weeks)
- Love to say “Hi dada!” Even to others 🙂
- Let me put you in Pig tails!
- Are in a phase where you will laugh uncontrollably for 10-15 minutes. So cute!
- Took TWO STEPS!! (60 weeks!)
I took you to Gasworks Park to check out the undercover area. I wanted to see if it would be good for a shoot when it was raining. It totally is!!
You’re still pretty proud of being “one” 🙂
Ha ha. You had TWO costumes for Halloween and didn’t even get to go trick or treating… Next year Peanut.
You love to wrap anything around you! You’re saying “woo hoo!”
One of my favorite things is when you get all excited and crawl really fast towards me with a big grin on your face. Melts my heart.
This is from our family shoot. More on that later 🙂
You love to be around Max. Not going to lie. Makes me more than a little sad that you never got to know Greta. You would have loved her…