My parents recently bought a house a few blocks from us. They haven’t permanently made the move, but it’s so fun being able to pop over for a quick play date when they are in town. I love each and every one of these shots, because they perfectly capture the moments of the day.
I know I will absolutely treasure these…I already do.
Maya is still more comfortable walking barefoot, so Grammie helped her get out of her shoes…
I KNOW Maya’s face is a direct reflection of my dad’s. 🙂
Maya was so funny. She just wanted to bite the ball and fling it around that way. I think she’s been playing with Max a little too much… 🙂My dad got these of me with Maya~LOVE THEM. And yes…they are in the middle of an ally! Who needs a pretty park?? 🙂
She loves hugs! Especially from Grammie 🙂
But she LOOOVES to fly!
O.M.G….so sweet.
Although, these next two are even sweeter…
More memories to come…