Fun fact #1
This first image was the very first image I took! LOVE IT!
These followed in the next few minutes, and I knew right away that this was going to be an awesome fun shoot!
Fun Fact #2
Elliott and Maya have the exact same birthday! Almost exactly 3 years ago, Stacy and Elliott came over to make joint cupcakes for their classroom birthday celebration!
I think all kids born on October 4th are just super happy smiley kids! I’m calling that Fun Fact #3 😉
I remember when Nolan was just a little baby!!! GAH!
What a handsome little dude he’s become!AND….NO, it doesn’t get much cuter than these next ones!!
hahaha. Nolan’s face!! LOVE!
Looooove these next three!
Again, could these two be any cuter together??
While I was taking Elliott’s pictures, I turned around to see this.
LOVE!!It also happened to be Stacy and Joel’s 13th anniversary, so I had to get some of them together!
We should all be so lucky to be this happy after 13 years and two little kids!
You guys could NOT be any cuter!!We were actually done and heading back to our cars, but the cuteness kept going, so, obviously…
The next images are art directed by Nolan 🙂
Thank you all SO much for such a fun morning!!
And…Happy Anniversary to you both!!