I had taken pictures of Ollie’s (yes, this is back to back Ollie time!) 1st birthday a few months ago, but we finally found the time on Saturday to do some family shots. I met Amy, Jake, and Ollie down at the Fresh Flour Cafe down in Ballard. It was the perfect way to get some shots out of the chilly weather! And…get some yummy hot cocoa too 🙂
Seriously…that hat, those eyes…so cute!!!
Ollie wasn’t so sure at first about the hot cocoa…
And then he really tasted the sugary goodness!
Oops. Forgot to wipe the whip cream mustache off!
Love these next two! Plus, this isn’t going to come as a shock to anyone that knows me, but… Want those boots!!
LOVE this one!
Although, it was a close tie with this one!
Amy brought some ornaments, and I loved it! Fyi…when in doubt~BRING PROPS! 🙂
Also in the running for favorite!
I think this goes on record as being the most efficient shoot ever, mainly due to Amy being an event planner. 45 minutes, 3 locations, BAM! Thanks Amy, Jake, and Ollie! It was so much fun, and it just flew by! 🙂
I WANT A BABY BOY!!!!!!! Gorgeous pictures as usual my love!